Healthcare Simulation Courses
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Our wide variety of courses range from introductory courses for interns and novice anaesthetic trainees, to multidisciplinary teams training, to highly specialized courses such as managing difficult airway or providing safe sedation. Here are some of the featured courses:
The website is finally up and running!
Online course registration is now available!
Crew Resource Management
Enhancing Safety in Sedation Workshop
Advanced and Difficult Airway Management
Ultrasound Regional Anaesthesia Course
Simulation Based Healthcare Education
Simulation-based learning is an innovative method for training patient safety in multidisciplinary settings. Learners acquire their knowledge and skills through experiential learning with immersive hands-on interactive clinical scenario and skills practices followed by reflective debriefing. From simple manikin and role play through high fidelity and state-of-the-art simulation techniques and technology, our wide variety of courses aim at enhancing patient safety and quality healthcare in multiple facets within the medical and healthcare professionals.
NTEC Simulation and Training Center
Simulation-based learning is an innovative method for training patient safety in multidisciplinary settings. The NTEC STC aims to provide innovative and high standard training for healthcare professionals in pursuit of patient safety and quality healthcare.
Our Info
Ward 3E, 3rd Floor, North District Hospital
(852) 2683 8302
(852) 2683 8342