Deadline for Abstract Submission:
20 October 2021 31 October 2021
Deadline for Early-Bird Registration:
20 October 2021 27 October 2021


Ms. Cindy YIP
Nurse Consultant
Department of Anaesthesiology and Operating Theatre Services
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Hong Kong

Nurse Consultant (perioperative care) works at Queen Elizabeth Hospital currently,
Fellow of the HK College of Perioperative Nursing, the HK Academy of Nursing
Nurse planner of Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologist (HKCA)
Ex-chairman of the Association of Hong Kong Operating Theatre Room Nurses (2016-2020)

One of the simulation course instructors as recognized by HA Simulation Training Quality Assurance Group to provide the Procedural Safety for Nurse (PSSN) under the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiology (HKCA); Nurse Management of Operating Room Emergencies (NMORE) workshop, Post Registration Certificate Course(PRCC) and other simulation training course.

Core member in HA SAG (Perio/ANA) in set up the Nursing Service Model for Ambulatory Surgery Services and the Integrated Model of Specialist Outpatient Service through Peri-operative Nurse Clinic- Nurse Pre-anaesthetic Assessment Clinic (NPAC). Clinic in-charge of the NPAC in Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Capnography for Patient Monitoring in Procedural Sedation

The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine released a guideline on procedural sedation (first version in 2009, second version in 2019) to recommend a minimum standard of safety measures when performing conscious (moderate) sedation included the definition, general principles, patient assessment and preparation, staffing, facilities and equipment, monitoring, documentation as well as recovery and discharge. And one of key changes on the second version is highlighted on the use of capnography.

“The provision of capnography for patient monitoring is considered necessary for high-risk patients receiving conscious (moderate) sedation or any deeper level of sedation where sudden unexpected loss of consciousness may occur”

The term capnography refers to the noninvasive measurement of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) in exhaled breath expressed as the CO2 concentration over time. The relationship of CO2 concentration to time is graphically represented by the CO2 waveform, or capnogram. Changes in the shape of the capnogram are diagnostic of disease conditions, while changes in end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2), the maximum CO2 concentration at the end of each tidal breath, can be used to assess respiratory condition. It is a reliable indicator to monitor and early detect patient respiratory distress during procedural sedation.

In this talk, we will have a deeper touch, as in a nursing perspective, on the use of capnography for patient monitoring during procedural sedation.

